Rat Sorb

eliminate the odor of dead rats and other bad odors

The #1 Product used by Professionals for the control of Odors from dead animals. Easy application for use in homes and businesses including offices and restaurants.


RAT SORB is a special formulation designed to control and help eliminate the odors caused by dead animals and other strong obnoxious odors caused by waste, feces and urine.

General Odor Control

As with all unpleasant odor problems, it is always preferable to remove the source of the odor before any treatment. Unfortunately, in many cases this is not practical; for example, when a rodent or animal dies in the wall cavitiy or in inaccessible building crevices and the source cannot be located. Rat Sorb was formulated and designed especially for those cases. The persistency of the malodor depends on the size of the dead animal, ventilation, the ambient temperature and humidity. Properly applied Rat Sorb will provide relief during this period.

Ideal for use in

Easy application for use in homes and businesses including offices and restaurants.




Directions for application


Moisten cotton balls liberally and place on small tray or open container for maximum air flow. Crumpled tissue paper can also be used. Take care not to place cotton balls directly on surfaces that may be stained. Avoid using paper products for tray, as they may soak through.


Place the Rat Sorb balls (stations) around the edge of affected rooms or as near as possible to the source of the odor. The number of stations needed varies but 2-4 stations per 500 sq. ft. is usually sufficient. Whenever wall penetrations can be identified to be the source of the odor, place the stations close to this area or in these cavities. If staining is not an issue, moistened cotton balls can be stuffed directly into these areas.


After several days, as the Rat Sorb is expended, re-apply or replace the cotton balls as needed until it is no longer necessary.

Note: Rat Sorb is designed to be used in homes, office and restaurants
Always keep away from children and pets.


How long does it take the product to work?

Once applied, the product will last several days depending on ventilation.  If you start noticing a waning of its effectiveness, it is time to re-apply.

Can Rat Sorb be stored, and for how long?

Rat Sorb can be stored for more than a year when stored in a cool dark location.  Avoid storing in temperatures below 35 F. Or above 95 F.

Product does not seem to be working, what can I do?

Rat Sorb is designed to work with odors from dead animals while the carcass decomposes.  During this time the bad odor is continuing to emanate from the carcass, therefore it is helpful, when possible, to plug the wall openings at wall switches, plugs and other wall  penetrations.  A larger animal will cause a more severe and intense odor for longer, especially if the ventilation is being forced into the space where people are.  In these cases, it is helpful if a positive air pressure can be maintained in the problem area.

Can I use pieces of crumpled paper or rags instead of cotton balls?

Yes, you can use any porous material that will help disseminate Rat Sorb as efficiently as possible.  Be sure to use a tray or barrier to prevent the liquid Rat Sorb from staining surfaces.

Professional control of odors caused by dead rats and other sources.